Indo Canadian porn star sunny leone is now the most searched and most desirable diva on indian silver screen. She with her hot beauty treat and red hot glamor gives sleepless nights to all her fans and movie lovers.  Now sunny leone speaking to scribes came with a shocker about safe sex. Promoting the idea of safe sex, she asked her fans to use condoms to avoid unwanted pregnancy and get protected from various sexually transmitted diseases. 


sunny leone endorsing a condom brand, said she believes in safe sex and it has been part of her belief system which promoted to get associated with the brand. When asked about why top stars not endorsing condoms said “It depends upon each and everyone’s comfort level. It also has to do with what a person’s life goals are.”


sunny leone who is now on quarantine has pulled an epic prank on her husband by pretending that she chopped off her finger. Her husband's response made this joke even funnier as he started to freak out until he realizes that she is recording the entire thing on her mobile phone. 

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